A did a post like this around this time last month. It’s interesting to see the tremendous growth in just a month…
As of 16 October 2021, there are 342 Helium hotspots in Australia and they’ve earned a little over 2,229 HNT combined. Helium (HNT) is worth 28.57 per token today. Australian hotspots have earned almost $63,700 to date.
Here’s a distribution of Helium hotspot growth since the first hotspots came online in October 2020:

August was significant, and September matched it in the end, but we’re only halfway through October and are on track to double, or multiply the September numbers even more. Especially likely due to the batch of 500 or so Sensecap M1 units that IOT Store are shipping right now!
State by State distribution of Helium hotspots
Across the States and Territories, the distribution is currently as follows:

ACT get’s it’s third hotspot! STILL nothing yet for the Northern Territory. C’mon NT!
Other interesting numbers:
- 44 of the 342 hotspots are showing as OFFLINE
- The most profitable hotspot in the last 24 hours is:
- Virtual Graphite Puma (Eastgardens, NSW) – Earned 1.35 HNT
- Virtual Graphite Puma (Eastgardens, NSW) – Earned 1.35 HNT
- The most profitable hotspots in the last 30 days are:
- Dapper Lavender Sardine (Sydney, NSW) – Earned 34.3 HNT – (AU$983.38)
- Salty Slate Ant (Bondi Junction, NSW) – Earned 33.7 HNT- (AU$953.38)
- Attractive Shamrock Boar (Caringbah, NSW) – Earned 32.8 HNT – (AU$937.10)
All of these numbers are up around 50% since last month.
- The most profitable hotspots in the last 365 days are:
- Quaint Yellow Cottonmouth (Athelstone, SA) – Added May 2021 – Earned 93.4 HNT
- Jumpy Corduroy Dolphin (Adelaide, SA) – Added May 2021 – Earned 90.98 HNT
- Cold Currant Anteater (North Ryde, NSW) – Added July 2021 – Earned 84.6 HNT
Another great month for Helium growth in Australia. Let’s hope we see an exponential leap between now and November.