Only a few days ago we added the fourth Helium hotspot to Canberra – Lone Vinyl Wallaby. Since then we’ve added FIVE more into the mix. It’s really exciting to see some new additions as a result of the IOT Store first batch deliveries this last week or so.

So…who are the newbies and where are they located? Here’s a quick wrap up!
- First to appear the other night was Big Marigold Llama appearing in Gungahlin. A Sensecap M1 installed in a single storey house (I’m guessing from the mapping) with stock antenna by the looks, too – just past the Gungahlin town centre. Great to see the first in Gungahlin. If the owner of this unit reads this, please reach out to say hi!
- Next @plainsimple (after some disappointing delays) FINALLY received his and got Plain Pebble Mantis up and running high atop Monash. Another Sensecap, but this one has a 3dBi external antenna which should (and does) cover the Tuggeranong area well.
- Woden made it on the map, too with Narrow Sangria Parrot appearing in Philip, on the northern side of the Woden town centre. Yet another Sensecap with internal antenna – this time in an apartment building a few storeys up. Currently relayed (as so many are at first), but the owner is doing some interesting things with VPNs to get around the 4G CGNAT issue it is plagued with. Good luck and we’ll be keen to hear the solution when it’s all resolved.
- A second for Tuggeranong with Dry Eggplant Chipmunk in Banks. Another Sensecap of mine, with a roof mounted 5.8dBi antenna which went up today (Sunday). Huge thanks to my friend for getting that installed today! With such great results from my own 5.8 dBi antenna in Spence (more on that soon…), we’re keen to see what kind of range it gets. There are TWO others planned for Banks, and miraculously, they all look like they will sit in their own hexes! 🙂 Fingers crossed. ‘The Chipmunk’ is also challenged with some relaying issues which we’re looking into.
- Last but not least for this update we have Harsh Lilac Mustang in Bonython in a neighbouring hex right next door to Plain Pebble Mantis. Again, it looks like it has the stock antenna and elevation suggests a single storey home install.
Exciting stuff! Super keen to see all of the Tuggeranong hotspots (hopefully) start witnessing one another over the next day or so and completing the remaining checklist steps. We did a bit of mapping yesterday too, and hopefully helped with ticking off the data transfer step for a few of you! 🙂
The map’s looking pretty good now, and it’ll only get better over the coming weeks and months. What will things look like NEXT week!?